Monday, October 11, 2010

My first week

During the first week of my internship at the Tempe division of parking and transit services was spent being cross-trained in several departments. I was cross trained in enforcement, cashiering, and Booth operations. I was assigned to an experienced staff member, who trained me in each of these areas. The reason for the cross training was so that I would be able to fill in for anyone who was out sick or on vacation. As I had already been trained in permit sales I was not further cross trained in that area.  During the course of my internship I did fill in for both enforcement and permit sales.

The associate director for parking and transit also explained to me at this time that he had a special project that he would need me to handle in the upcoming weeks.  This project was to survey, evaluating, and analyze the impact on our current handicap parking space inventory by implementing the new ADA suggested measurements for handicap parking spaces.  This was the one of many projects that I would do in the course of my internship