Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Joys of counting all of the parking spaces on the Tempe Campus

As I stated in an earlier blog I was given a lot count sheet to use as a reference to locate and count reserved spaces. This count sheet was terribly incorrect, in some cases off by over a hundred spaces. Well my reward for finding this discrepancy was to do a new count sheet. That is right I was given the privilege to count every parking space on the Tempe campus. When Ray discovered that I could do legible line drawings of lots, he decided that I would do the rough sketches for the CAD Platte’s so this created several jobs that I did while I was also doing the total recount of the campus. We decided that several lots needed to be surveyed and redrawn as they were out of date.

It was decided that as I was working on other projects I would count the spaces in which ever lot I happen to be in. The same strategy was used on the parking structures. Luckily with County spaces and a parking structure generally you can count one row and then multiplied by how many rows there are. This is the same philosophy I used in Lot 59; I counted one row and multiplied by how they were like it. I also had the use of a golf cart for doing lot 59. That made a huge difference.

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