Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lot 45 Meter Survey

Ray received several complaints that the meter in lot 45, outside the USB building, was very slow in processing credit cards. I was asked to go and monitor the meter and record the elapsed times of all transactions for 2 hours. I was there from 8am to 10 am. I had to record transaction times for cash, debit/credit and sun card.

I found that the cash transactions were taking between 20 and 45 seconds. Debit/Credit were taking between 1:45 minutes and 2:30 minutes. Sun cards were taking 2minutes to 3 minutes to process. This was not surprising as they take twice as long on our regular credit card readers. It was found that the modem in the meter was defective and had to be replaced.

1 comment:

  1. I have had to use lot 45 from time to time and have always had to wait a long time with that meter. Glad to hear you have taken care of it!
