Thursday, December 9, 2010

Towing RFP Matrix

One of my favorite projects that I did during my internship was creating and populating an RFP matrix for PTS towing contract. RFP for those who don't know stands for request for purchase sometimes called bids for a contract. The University issues an RFP for all of their larger contracts. Once the department who requested the contract receives all of the completed bids they have to be analyzed. The easiest way to do this is to generate a matrix that contains all the pertinent information.

I created excel spreadsheet that I listed the all of the comparable information for all the companies that responded to the RFP. I am not at liberty to go into details of this but I can use generalities. Comparable information is the amount charged by each of the companies that responded for a specific type of work such as a lockout, relocation, and a tow. As this contract would be for the first time covering up all four campuses, we had included a requirement that the tow yard be within a certain distance both in miles and time. To help the for managers of parking for each campus, I created Google maps of each tow yard so they could give an informed opinion of whether or not these yards were suitable for our students to be going to. They looked at such things as accessibility, lighting, condition of the neighborhood, and access to mass transit. Each campus manager drove to each of the yards that were close to their campus and they reported these conditions. I was told that my maps help them all locked to find some of these yards as they are mostly located in industrial areas. In the end one company was chosen for the Phoenix campuses, downtown and West. Another company was chosen for the Tempe and probably campuses.

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