Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lot 59E

What of the more challenging of my projects was the survey and redraw of Lot 59 E. the reason for this is that they were doing the construction into areas that I would have to revisit to redo what I draw. The other reason is that Lot 59 E. has for sections. The sections are: the West section along the road, the North East section by the gymnast practice facility and wrestling practice facility, the southeast section by the basketball training facility, and the South section that runs along the North edge of the cornerstone shopping center.

In this lot I had to survey handicapped parking spaces, reserved parking spaces, and redraw the entire lot. The southeast section had just recently been redone to increase parking spaces for the basketball training facility. So there was no current CAD Platte for it. With the installation of the inflated the practice facility for the football team the Western section also didn't have a current CAD Platte for it. As they were read doing the entrance to the band practice field, I had to come back and redo that section of the Western Platte.

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