Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cross Training part 1

The first area of operations that I was cross trained in was parking booth control.  This involves making sure that all of the entry and exit machinery is functioning properly, assisting customers with finding parking, and giving them directions to where they need to go.  The primary purpose of the parking booth attendant is to collect money for said parking.  The Tempe campus has two separate types of payment systems for parking and visitor lots.
The first system is ASU's own and is used in the Apache road structure and the Rural road structure.  The second system is used in the Fulton center garage.  The reason for this is that ASU has the service contract for the Fulton center, but does not own that garage.  The ASU system is one where you pay upon exit.  The Fulton center, you have to go to the booth paid for the hours you apart and receive an exit ticket.  Which you then enter into the exit gate's for the arm to go up to let you out.
The second area that I was cross trained in was cashiering.  Parking and transit's cashiering operations count and distribute funds as necessary throughout the day.  In this department, all money brought in at the visitor parking booths and parking meters is counted, recorded, and prepared for deposit.  This department also is tasked with providing additional change for any and all parking booths as needed throughout the day, as well the collection from and maintenance of all parking meters.

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