Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lot 3

This single lot that I found most discrepancies in the wild doing and the survey of handicapped spots was Lot 3 Gammage auditorium. This is also a very complicated lot for a number of reasons. The first one is its shape it has three right angles and then the arc that connect two of those right angles. Also this is a working Broadway theater and as such has to have room for patron parking and commercial vehicles that bring in the various show. This lot also has to be used as parking for students and faculty that purchase permits. This lot is very popular with education majors, music majors, and business majors.

Each summer various slots are restriped to better optimize the use of the space. Lot 3 was one of these lots. Unfortunately no one recorded the changes and there were more spots available than thought. This is good news for those who wish to park here as more permits were available starting in the spring of 2010. The other major change in Lot 3 was the addition of contractor only parking along the arc. This gave our vendors a place to park after they had unloaded their materials for the job on campus.

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