Friday, December 10, 2010

Mass transit part 2

There are many options that will improve the system. All of them will cost money and most will not support themselves. Mass transit needs to be thought of as infrastructure just like roads and bridges. We are the 5th largest metropolitan area in the US and we have one of the worst mass transit systems. If are to attract major high tech companies to the valley we need to improve this system. 

It was just announced that the City of Tempe has approved a streetcar system from Southern Ave. along Mill Ave. to Rio Salado Pkwy. Construction will start in 2013 and be funded by monies from Prop 400 and Federal Grants. This system will connect more bus routes to the light rail. We also need to implement a commuter rail system that uses the existing freight rail tracks. MAG has just finished a study on the feasibility of this system. They have put forth several great plans on how this could be achieved. Unfortunately it all goes back to having a legislature who will fight for it.

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